
Step by Step

How do I create a tournament / league?

There are several ways to create tournaments and leagues. There are two on the dashboard. Under the item "Create & Insert" you can make the appropriate selection. Also in the "Overview & Edit" area you can use the arrows to select tournaments or leagues and start the creation with the plus symbol.

Where can I create a team?

After a tournament or a league has been created, the team administration area can be selected via the administration area of ​​the respective event - a season must also be stored for the league. The teams can be created and managed here.

Why am I not able to create a tournament / league?

You probably did not get the necessary rights from your administrator. Please contact your administrator for this.

Is there a dark mode?

In order to be able to use this app to save battery, you can select the dark mode in the main menu via the moon symbol.


How do I create a tournament / league?

There are several ways to create tournaments and leagues. There are two on the dashboard. Under the item "Create & Insert" you can make the appropriate selection. Also in the "Overview & Edit" area you can use the arrows to select tournaments or leagues and start the creation with the plus symbol.

Where can I create a team?

After a tournament or a league has been created, the team administration area can be selected via the administration area of ​​the respective event - a season must also be stored for the league. The teams can be created and managed here.

Why am I not able to create a tournament / league?

You probably did not get the necessary rights from your administrator. Please contact your administrator for this.

Is there a dark mode?

In order to be able to use this app to save battery, you can select the dark mode in the main menu via the moon symbol.

Berlin / Brandenburg

Player number Name Player position
(12) Henning Kunze Goalkeeper
(13) Mia Warluks Goalkeeper
(15) Manuel Honold Goalkeeper
(35) Vincent Rattunde Forward
(41) Ben Leister Forward
(43) Nikita Helm Forward
(44) Karl Käßler Forward
(45) Mika Heise Forward
(46) Nils Herrle Forward
(47) Alexander Grinke Forward
(48) Benjamin Herrmann Forward
(49) Alexander Pohlenz Forward
(50) Liam Englisch Forward
(55) Nico Schulz Forward
(56) Sven Hahlbohm Forward